Timber Barker

Evan Lewis
VP of Product

Satish Bethi
Machine Learning Engineer

Richard Terranova
Senior Software Engineer
Company Advisors

Trey Basha
CEO: Basha Companies
Trey Basha was the CEO of Basha’s Grocery Store (1932) until he sold the stores in 2021. He retained the distribution center in Chandler. Trey and his sons, Preston, Brandon, Dalton and Tyson see Boom’s Tech as a disruptor in the retail space and quickly joined the movement.

Michael Halloran
President of Beltone Hearing
Michael joined the Board in 2019 and has been a part of the journey. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge running large organizations finance strategy serving as CFO for multiple large companies. He is currently the President of Beltone Hearing.

Brian Child
CIO: Malouf Companies
Brian currently serves as the CIO of Malouf Companies and all 30+ of their brands. He bring a wealth of knowledge managing large warehouses, data, IT, teams and special projects. He joined the Boom Board in 2021.

John Suh
Former CEO, LegalZoomCIO
John Suh served as LegalZoom’s CEO from 2007 and as a member of the board of directors since 2005.
John has taken several businesses from $0 to more than $20 million of revenues, grown multiple companies to north of $100M of revenues, and taken an unprofitable company to $100m+ in positive cashflow. LegalZoom was grown on only $1m of primary capital and provided over $1.5B in liquidity to its shareholders.